Africa Needs a Father
All Sessions
Biomedical and Scientific Innovation as Foundation for Sustainable Development
Building a Thriving Africa
Building a Thriving Africa by addressing the controlling forces upon the land of Africa
Building a Thriving Africa Community – Lessons from The Jewish Kibbutz Model
Deploying the ROI Methodology in All Our Programs and Projects
Developing Contextualised African Solutions in Medicine
Education Concurrent workshop
Energy Concurrent workshop
Forming a Think Tank for Strategic Developments
Improving Indigenous Manufacturing Capabilities
Managing Our Diversities for Greater Impact
Mindset Fit for 21st Century Africa’s Challenges
Networking Wailing Women Worldwide to Transform Their Nation’s
Overcoming the Looming Food Scarcity Challenges
Prayer Session
Science, Technology, and Innovations in Uganda Developmental Agenda
Sphere Groups Inauguration
The Role of AKSU in State Transformation
The Role of the Church in Building a Thriving Continent Modelling Excellence
The Role of the Diaspora in Africa Transformation
The Third Education Revolution and Africa Transformation
Transgenerational Leadership Mentality