Join Our 2024 Batch of Oak Seed Executive Leadership Course

We are committed to placing informed and passionate leaders in every sphere of society to proffer real solutions to problems in our fast-changing world.

Course Overview

Oak Seed Executive Leadership Course (OSELC) is a six-modular course with 30 lectures designed to equip one for transformational leadership. Participants read 5 required books, watch documentaries, movies, and conduct many case studies, all leading to packaging a personal and group project for actual involvement in societal transformation. It runs one weekend a month (Saturday and Sunday) during the season of the offer. This course is at the graduate level and requires analytical skills.


  • To examine leadership paradigms and their consequences
  • To examine different models of nation-building principles and from that, understand what Africa can do to develop in this season
  • To delve into the characteristics of transformational leaders and the soft skills they must develop to be effective
  • To design a personal and a group project for individual and collective expression of lessons learned, and way forward for actual involvement in societal transformation.


Our Curriculum

OSELC academic content is grouped into six modules with first five encapsulating six lecture topics, group discussions and a movie/documentary screening session. Below is the outline of the themes covered under each module with lecture topics enclosed.


Lecture 1: Course Orientation: Introduction to INT

Lecture 2: Fifty Years of African Independence – An Odyssey

Lecture 3: The Crisis of Leadership in Africa – Observations of Lee Kuan Yew

Lecture 4: Dreams from Nations’ Founding Fathers

Lecture 5: The Hunter and Farmer Leadership Paradigms and their Implications

Lecture 6:The Elite and National Development


Lecture 7: God’s Quality Management System

Lecture 8: The Good to Great Framework for National Development

Lecture 9: The Rule of Law

Lecture 10: The Singapore Story: The Role of Quality Management Standards

Lecture 11: The National Development Plan – Nigeria

Lecture 12: Packaging of Burdens as Vehicles for National Transformation


Lecture 13: Transformational versus Transactional Leaders

Lecture 14: Leadership Positioning: Understanding the Funnel of Success

Lecture 15: The Hedgehog Concept: Understanding in National Development

Lecture 16: The Family and Community Development

Lecture 17: The Laws of Mentorship

Lecture 18:Value Systems, Integrity, Work Ethics and Dignity of Labour


Lecture 19: Leadership Personalities and People Skills

Lecture 20: Delegation and People Involvement

Lecture 21: Conflict Management

Lecture 22: Facing Brutal Facts and the Stockdale Paradox

Lecture 23: Lobbying and Advocacy

Lecture 24: Communication and Media


Lecture 25: Education and Human Resource Development

Lecture 26: Innovation, Research and Development

Lecture 27: Quality Financial Systems

Lecture 28: Physical Infrastructure

Lecture 29: Global Trends

Lecture 30: Course Wrap up

Who We Encourage to take OSELC

Anyone with graduate-level education from a tertiary institution of learning can take The Oak Seed Executive Leadership Course. More especially, mid-level to senior management leaders from the private, public and non-governmental sectors who have passion for the transformation of their institutions and communities will benefit from attendance of this course.

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Our Course Objectives
  1. Learn the skills and behaviour needed to function effectively as transformational leaders in the spheres of influence.

  2. Examine history and the different operating leadership paradigms and their consequences in nation building.

  3. Explore different models of nation building principles and from that, propose what Africa can do to develop in this season.

  4. Develop and execute transformational projects for personal and collective expression of knowledge gained as way forward for actual involvement in societal transformation.

How We Facilitate

The facilitation is highly interactive and is designed to stimulate new and innovative ways of thinking to enable participants make result-oriented decisions. Movies and documentaries are used to enhance the learning experience.

Each participant is helped to develop a project that captures their individual and collective experience and direct application of knowledge gained towards their life aspirations, leading to actual involvement in societal transformation at various levels.

The Oak Seed Executive Leadership Course offers participants the opportunity to be inspired, to learn and to develop networks which will form a springboard for a productive transformational vocation in formal and informal forums. 

Course Duration

The Oak Seed Executive Leadership Course runs third weekend (Saturday & Sunday) once a month online for five months (from 9:00 am – 5:00 pm on Saturdays and 1:30 pm – 8:30 pm on Sundays GMT+1). The sixth module is the online project presentation. The course concludes with a three-day residential History Makers Training (HMT-1) module in September 2024.

Learning Assessment & Graduation

Each session will be assessed through a combination of objective (multiple choice) and written class dialogue assignments. Participants will write and execute transformational projects in their spheres of influence before the end of the Course. These projects are for direct application of knowledge gained.

Attendance, including student forum participation and completion of assignments and projects, count toward graduation assessment. Participants who successfully complete the course will be awarded a Certificate of Graduation by the Institute.

Course Delivery

The content is grouped into seven modules and there are six lecture topics under each of the first five modules offered online with a first-class Virtual Learning Environment.

The sixth module is the online project presentation module.

The concluding seventh module, the History Makers Training 1 (HMT-1), runs as a residential three-day intensive learning adventure that focuses on developing the personal discipline and character traits necessary to become a transformational leader of impact.

The academic content is specifically designed to challenge participants to think about the major challenges African nations face and the potential solutions within their spheres of influence.

Thematic Areas

Our leaders will be trained in integrity leadership and quality management principles covering the following thematic areas each encapsulating six lectures and a movie/documentary:

• Understanding History – Making A Case for Paradigm Shift
• Creating an Enabling Environment
• Maturing into Transformational Leadership
• Developing Soft Skills
• Infrastructural Systems – Establishing a Culture of Discipline

Time Commitment

Participants will be required to attend all the online lectures during the two full weekend days of teaching blocks every month. In extreme cases where participants might not be able to participate in a class (with approved advance notice – only permitted once), recorded sessions may be made available.

Attendance of the residential History Makers training module is compulsory. Date and venue of the training will be communicated to participants in advance.


What is the usual fee for the Oak Seed Executive Leadership Course with the History Makers Training?

The OSELC online course with HMT-1 3-day residential training fee is five hundred dollars ($500).

How often in a month do the classes hold?

The classes will be held once a month usually on the third weekends in the six (6) months of training with the exception of April which falls on the fourth weekend.

What is the cost for the History Makers’ Training?

The cost for the History Makers’ Training is Five Hundred Dollars only ($500) to cover feeding and accommodation for the three (3) days.

Will I get a certificate if I go through Oak Seed Executive Leadership Course without going through the History Makers’ Training?

Yes, you will get the Advanced Leadership Certificate but not the Oak Seed Executive Leadership Course Certificate.

Will I get a certificate if I go through only the History Makers’ Training without the Oak Seed Executive Leadership Course?

Yes, you will get the History Makers’ Training (HMT-1) Certificate but not the Oak Seed Executive Leadership Course Certificate.

Where and When will the History Makers’ Training hold, since it is residential?

The venue and date will be decided in due course, but it will be in Lagos, Nigeria.

Can I attend the Oak Seed Executive Leadership Course and History Makers’ Training from outside Nigeria?

Yes, but you must travel to Lagos at your cost to attend the HMT physically.
