The Leadership void (A Nigeria Scenario)
The contract was to build 25 schools in the state. The ABE Company had won it the usual way – kickbacks to everyone from the clerk in the accounting office to the Minister whose Ministry oversaw the projects.
To further maximize profits, the ABE Company used substandard materials and hired unskilled workers. Two years later, one of the schools collapsed.
72 children were in school. 14 dead. 50 injured or maimed. An entire community traumatized.
The ABE Company’s CEO responded quickly. He compiled a list of government officials to be bribed, engaged prominent spiritual leaders to accompany him as he met, and bribed the officials to avoid prosecution for the collapse.
The absence of values is tearing our nations and continent apart.
With Nigeria teetering on the brink, gradual change isn’t enough anymore, it is time for Big Audacious Goals.
Transforming a nation of 200 million people requires taking the lead in providing business, government and civil society leaders with the original, relevant and practical tools to foster an environment that promotes security and prosperity.
Unfortunately, this scenario is the norm in the country. Whatever label we give it – Corruption or Greed, at the root of it all is the Complete Absence of Core Values at all levels of society, including families, communities, schools, businesses and even our places of worship.
For Africa to transform and experience economic growth, there must be a deliberate effort to raise disciplined and skilled people across the continent. Therefore, INT has set a target to train about twenty-one thousand (21,000) individuals, especially youths in value reorientation and basic leadership skills by 2025 to make a positive contribution to nation building.
Consequently, INT is undertaking a bold investment by embarking on this strategic initiative to build a multi-purpose facility that will offer practical leadership training programmes that incorporate entrepreneurship, innovation and research to people in strategic position across the private and public sectors.
The Centre will be a Citadel of Knowledge that amplifies the voices, talents, expertise and influence of values-based, no-excuse leaders nationally and internationally. The Centre will enable INT reach more leaders with the tools and resources to transform their families, organizations, communities and nations to their highest levels of performance and achievement.
This Centre will enable INT:
- Increase its capacity to train more leaders in-person and virtually
- Attract world-class faculty to deliver values-based training
- Create quality jobs in Uyo and its environs.
The Uyo Project will include an Innovation and Entrepreneurial Skills Acquisition Centre that will target 5,000 young people annually, providing them with practical vocational skills, ranging from life skills to ICT skills, including basic business startup skills, financial literacy and leadership training.
In addition, the Centre will foster an environment that engages participants to create innovative solutions to challenges around them. This means the trainings would be designed to inspire them to create “gold out of waste” in their environment.
Upon graduation, they will be placed in businesses or given funds as well as technical and managerial support to create their own businesses.
To ensure sustainability, the Uyo project will include an International Conference Centre which would support INT’s programme by providing funding and resources for the Centre’s maintenance. The Centre will have hotel rooms for 400 guests, conference space and flexible meeting spaces for 1000 participants, a restaurant, café and dynamic activities that will ensure sustainability, maintaining 50% of the operational costs for the Centre.