History Makers Training (HMT-1)

Course Overview

The History Makers Training 1 (HMT-1) is an intensive leadership development course, which runs as a three-day intensive learning adventure (offered 100% online from 2024) that focuses on developing the personal discipline and character traits necessary to become a transformational leader of impact. Participants undergo rigorous self-introspection using various media such as lectures, assignments, book summaries, movie reviews, and extensive questionnaires as mirrors.

Learning objectives
Participants, at the end of the 3-day training, are expected to demonstrate deep understanding of the following skills, knowledge, and attitudes (SKAs):

1.The urgency of strong commitment to time management and sensitivity to deadlines in conducting personal, organizational, and national affairs.
2. Adversity quotient by exhibiting no-excuse, responsible attitude and innovation and creativity in solving challenging problems.
3. An understanding of disciplined planning, implementation, execution, monitoring and evaluation of projects and programmes.
4. Strong exhibition of mature moral, emotional, intellectual, social, and physical capacities in all their private and public conduct.

Impact Objectives
The impact objectives of the HMT-1 training on the participants are:
1. Improved personal discipline spiritually, emotionally, intellectually, physically, and socially.
2. Improved ability to focus on tasks and complete them,
3. Increased personal effectiveness.
4. Enhanced appreciation and love for hard work.
5. Increase in taking initiative in the fulfillment of God’s expectations individually and collectively.
6. Improvement in the mastery of themselves by maximizing their strengths and managing their weaknesses.



Any manufacturers’ mould is intended to shape the final product into desirable shapes and forms that are suitable and perfectly made for market competitiveness. Similarly, the 3-day course is designed to shape the moral, emotional, intellectual, social, and physical capacities of the participants to desirable forms that make them competitive and fit for 21st century globalized world challenges. Therefore, the programme is highly regimental and deliberately designed to be very challenging. Under such stress-tests, abnormal and immature behaviours are identified and gently corrected.

Being a virtual event, additional guidelines are listed below to ensure the objectives of the programme are met in remote settings. The following guidelines, rules and regulations, are necessary to create the proper mould or environment that would reshape the capacities of the participants.

Pre-Event Preparation
1. All participants are required to make arrangements for a stay at a suitable hotel or guest house for the duration of the event to minimize distractions and ensure reliable power supply and internet access.

  • Please notify us of your accommodation arrangements at least one week before the event.
  • Exemptions must be approved by INT Admin in advance.

2. Ensure you have two additional stable internet connection backup sources.

  • Use a reliable internet service provider and have a mobile hotspot backup plan (or two mobile hotspots from different independent network providers)

3. Use appropriate digital devices.

  • A laptop and/or tablet is recommended for use as your primary device due to the need for reading of recommended text and lots of typing for assignments.
  • Ensure your devices have reliable battery backup capacities for anticipated power outage windows in the course of the program.
  • Keep devices always fully charged and consider having a power bank or backup batteries.
  • Download and install required software or apps (Zoom and Microsoft Office) before the event.
  • Conduct a test call or join a mock session to ensure your audio and video are working properly.

During the Event
1. Join early: Log in 15-30 minutes before the scheduled start time daily to address any technical issues.

2. Video connections are expected to be on throughout all sessions of the programme. However, where network bandwidth may be a challenge for any participant, video may be turned off, but other means will be used to detect and penalize absent or distracted participants.

3. Communicate promptly with Admin if you experience unusual circumstances to avoid being disqualified from the program.

1. Attendance at Events
a. Morning Exercise: Virtual attendance is required of all participants during morning exercises by 6:00 AM on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Lateness by 1 minute or more attracts a red dot, and non-attendance attracts 2 red dots.

b. Class Attendance: Attendance is required of all participants for all class sessions without exceptions. Lateness by 1 minute or more attracts a red dot, and non-attendance attracts 2 red dots. Regular online spot attendances will be conducted for participants with video tuned off. Every missed spot attendance will attract one red dot.

2. Individual and Group Assignments
a. Individual Assignments: Individual assignments will be given with specific deadlines to turn them in online. Lateness by 1 minute or more attracts a red dot, and non-submission will attract 2 red dots plus zero mark. Scoring rubric for assignments will be shared on the first day of the programme.

b. Group Presentation: The programme includes at least one breakout session in groups. Group presentations will be due immediately after the breakout session.

3. Expected Behaviour After Collective or Individual Breaks
a. Tea Breaks, Lunch, Rest, and Dinner Breaks. After breaks, participants are expected to be seated one minute to the resumption time. Lateness by 1 minute or more attracts a red dot, and non-return to session will earn 2 red dots.

b. Individual Breaks. Individuals will be allowed to take timed breaks (no more than 5 minutes) to use the restroom or to attend to other urgent personal, family, or work-related needs or emergencies. Lateness to return to class by 1 minute or more attracts a red dot for each instance.

4. Consequences for Accumulated Red Dots
a. Participants who accumulate more than three red dots throughout the programme will not receive any certificate from the programme and their participation will be voided.

b. Dismissed participants may be allowed to join the next scheduled HMT class to re-take the course.

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